My Three Desert Island Poems

As mentioned in a post earlier in June, I spent a few days around that time trying to choose just 3 poems that I might take with me to a speculative desert island. I was asked to do this by The Friday Poem website and they have now posted the results of my labours.

In the end I chose work by Coleridge, Edward Thomas and Rainer Maria Rilke. Of course, the latter has been on my mind a great deal in the last 12 months or so, as I have been working on a new selection and translation of his work (spanning his career from 1899 to his death in 1926). It so happens that I have just signed off the final draft of this book – all 200 pages of it – and it is scheduled for publication by Pushkin Press in the Spring of 2024.

As for that desert island, do follow the link below to read the full text of my ruminations which also includes links to my own readings of the Thomas and Rilke poems. Do explore the rest of the FRIP website – it’s full of great poems and reviews:

We are always saying goodbye – The Friday Poem

Pushkin Press Rilke book cover ready for Spring 2024

3 thoughts on “My Three Desert Island Poems

  1. Martyn, I’m almost embarrassed to be responding like this. I had no idea Rilke had written an ode to Hölderl


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